
Showing posts from June, 2020

Post 7

When writing my Doc 2 I used the order of importance strategy. I liked this one best because I think it will grab the attention of the reader quicker. It gets straight to the point showing the purpose or persuasiveness for the document you are reading. It did make a little easier to write. I already had some type of idea about what each paragraph would be about. I get to focus on a single topic and just expand on it. 

Post 6

A public issue that deeply concerns me is the police and the violence used against black males. This concerns me a lot because I have to young men who I have raised right but I fear for their lives everyday. A person should not be targeted based on the color of their skin. According to an article on  Tucker Haggins states that "Black people were disproportionately among those killed, the group found. Black people accounted for 24% of those killed, despite making up only about 13% of the population." Those numbers are very scary and is a cause for concern. Of course everyone should be treated equally but even today that still does not ring true. I pray that going forward that officers will be evaluated more closely and held accountable for any wrong doing. Change is needed and needed it now.

Post 5

My purpose in adding authority to my document is to clearly present what I am speaking on. I will do this by citing credible references that support my argument. I want to present things in a manner way that it doesn't seem argumentative but I want to persuade the reader. Again I will use credible reference and I will be sure to do my research and find as much information as I can on the subject matter.

Post 4

I've never look at writing as a way of learning but during these few weeks in class that has changed. I am now seeing things in a whole new perspective. Working with my peers has been a great experience. I get to see how they would have written or edited a document. The research is also a great way of learning. Not only are you learning things for the essay you may be writing, but you could also use the knowledge for other classes. I have also found that outlining helps in giving the major points of something I have just read and is easy to refer back to if I need to. Writing is becoming a little bit easier and I am learning more everyday!

Post 3

The best place to start when trying to find or research an  authoritative  source is with an expert in the subject matter. When trying to find this information on life things can become very tedious.  According to Constant Contents' blog titled How to find an Authoritative Source it stated to "Never quote Wikipedia as a source". I believe this is mainly because anyone can write or edit the information. However, you can use the sources listed to do research and verify the accountability of anything that you have found. Google is a good search engine but I found you have to be specific to return the results you are looking for.  In the essay Googlepedia Randall McClure touches on research and credibility. If you are using the internet for research purpose you have to be sure the information you are using is accurate. McClure stated "Understanding the credibility of a source is a habit of mind that should be practiced in your first year composition course has value way

Reading my first blog!

I am following a blog by Angela Roothan that speaks mainly about philosophy. I was focused on a blog about African Intercultural Philosophy. "T he group hopes to raise consciousness in universities to introduce courses on African Philosophy in their programs, and perhaps even inspire the initialization of a master program for those wanting to specialize in it."  I do believe it is a credible source that is focused on joining teachers and students together to complete research. Since this appears to be a new blog it doesn't offer a lot but I do believe that it is a good read.

It's me Tiffany Dunham!

Hello! My name is Tiffany Dunham and I am a first year college student at the age of 40. I am the mother of three kids. I have a sophomore in college, a senior in high school, and a second grader. I am very exciting about starting my educational career. My hobbies include exercising, spending quality time with my family, and reading. I hope that I catch the hang of this online learning very soon! I know this will be a great experience