
Showing posts from July, 2020

Post 14

The first post I read was from Luke Maloney-Grimes. I like the way Luke listed the things that we learned. We have both mentioned MLA in our blog and I would have to agree that it was one of the things that I am glad we focused on during our term. As Luke stated " All of these things, even though they represent a small portion of everything that I have learned, are very valuable and are likely to aid in my future success as well as other students' success." Even though we learned a lot of things during this course I believe they are a great starting point on becoming better writers. The second post I read was from R. McKenzie. I loved the way the blog started off talking about how we may never use any of the info we learned in some of our classes but not with this course. Mc Kenzie stated " This class has helped prepared me what is coming in future classes, helped me realize

Post 13

I have to say I was not sure if I was going to make it through this term. This was my first experience with online learning and I was very nervous. I am happy to say that the experience was great. I learned more about how to write a document correctly and how to use the MLA format.  MLA and the works cited portion was the biggest obstacle for me. I feel confident now that I am able to execute it more effectively. I like the fact that we were able to interact with our fellow classmates. It should me that I wasn't the only one struggling and made me want to keep pushing forward. Writing is something that I have grown to like so I hope that I can take the skills what I learned with MLA and how to correctly format a document in my future course.

Post 12

" In a Wall Street Journal interview , Trump argued coronavirus testing was “overrated” because it reveals large numbers of new Covid-19 cases, which in turn “makes us look bad,” and suggested that some Americans who wear masks do so not only to guard against the virus, but perhaps to display their anti-Trump animus"(Mills-Poole). After reading that statement what are your thoughts? I was absolutely baffled at Trumps response regarding Covid. It is very obvious that this disease is real and needs the attention of our leaders to bring thing back to normal. Testing is very important and should be done when necessary. We are having so many deaths due to this disease and I believe his approach and views are outlandish. I believe that he should listen to his advisors on this matter and let the medical professionals handle things.

Post 11

The text messages in my phone are arranged from newest to oldest. I only save them for 30 days because if I haven't read them within a month they could not have been all that important. I can rearrange them by subject or who they are from. If I change the format it may help filter out junk messages as well. The only attachments I normally get is pictures or screenshots. I have attached a screenshot of how my messages pop up. All of my contacts show and I am also able to see messages from unknown numbers. I try to keep the format as simple as possible.

Post 10

While preparing to write Doc 2 I had to brainstorm to see what the best way would be for me to make my thoughts flow. I decided what my points I wanted to use to persuade my readers and wrote an outline. The outline allowed me to start off with my introduction and simply find subtopics to support it. With my outline I was able to do some research on each subtopic and jot it down so when I began writing my essay my thoughts flowed smoothly. I wanted to organize everything point by point so I wouldn't skip around and talk about things that were not relevant to the paragraph. An alternative method that I think is useful is starting out with your introduction and conclusion. Once you have those you are just simply filling in. You have your starting point and you know what you are trying to convince your reader of. Either style is helpful and if you're like me the more simple it is, the better.

Post 9

MLA formatting is something that is totally new for me. There are so many different elements like the text format, spacing, and heading. The most difficult part for me was the in text citation and works cited. I was having trouble with when to include only the page number or to use the author and page number. I now know that if I use the author in the statement there is no need to use the name again in the parentheses following the statement. As far as the works cited part I was have difficulty in the format on how things should appear with a book or an online source. I was having trouble remembering exactly what to include for each source. It took me sitting down and reading over the MLA info we were provided serial times to get a full understanding for what is needed. The more that I write the better I'll get because no matter the document the MLA style remains the same.

Post 8

Academic writing is a challenge right now for me. With academic writing there are guidelines to follow such as citing works and how you present your information. Texting is a whole lot easier. You basically form your own guidelines. You can write in incomplete sentences and make up your own abbreviations just as long as the receiver understands what you are trying to say. Of course academic writing is my focus because it's going to take me far in my career as a student.